Saturday 3 May 2008

At least I went outside today...

A marked improvement on yesterday if I do say so myself.

Today was spent mostly sitting listening to the football on the radio. None of this fancy streaming of games on the web for me. Don't get me wrong, I love watching football and I do make use of the whole streaming thing at times, but watching live football on a Saturday afternoon (unless I'm at the game) just isn't right.

I think listening to games will always hold a certain appeal to me. Something to do with relying on another person to tell you whats happening and only being able to judge the game on the reactions of the commentator and the crowd (which always seem louder on the radio than on TV), and of course never really knowing whether that shot went in or slid past the post until the commentator regains some composure. And, of course, you would never get THIS on tv, would you?

Aberdeen are brilliant.

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